
Archive for July, 2012

I’m sitting beside a vase of white daisies. There’s a cake cooling on the table and frosting in the refrigerator. This is the third week in a row that I’ve made baked goods. It feels productive and soothing.

coconut spice cupcake

I have also been writing. And spending time with good people. I’ve been sitting on the porch and watching thunderstorms, and watering my blooming hibiscus plants. I have been eating blueberries and peaches. I have been taking walks. I have been feeling very good.

I have been thinking about people I love who need healing and comfort. I have been thinking about community, and about the lovingkindness that is God. I am grateful for the steadfast knowledge that I have friends who will be my friends as long as we are in this world. Friends who understand me, probably more than I understand myself. I have been looking at photos from years past, and I am grateful for all the people and experiences that brought me here. I am glad that I have learned what I have learned. I am glad that I know who I am, what I stand for, and who stands with me through all the best and worst and in-between.

Thank you for being with me on this joy journey. There is so much goodness in sharing life with one another.



(These photos are merely a brief representation of the amazing community I am so grateful for. Many important people not pictured.)

I found this quote in the back of a book of poems the other day and wrote it down.

“There are things in life that we must endure which are all but unendurable, and yet I feel that there is a great goodness. Why, when there could be nothing, is there something? This is a great mystery. How, when there could have been nothing, does it happen that there is love, kindness, beauty?”
-Jane Kenyon (1947-1995)



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a new life

Joy is holding a sleeping baby for an hour and a half, feeling her little breath on my neck and listening to the varied sounds of her sleep. It is hope for a better world. It is enduring and unconditional love. It is courage and grace.

baby Natalie and me

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